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Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator said today that his office is investigating the theft of 36 catalytic converters over the past few days.
On Tuedsay, the Sheriff's Office received reports from two businesses on Mansfield Road in Keithville where catalytic converters were stolen off vehicles on their property. At one business, 24 were taken, and at the other business 12 were taken.
These thefts are believed to have taken place over the past weekend. A special tool was used to cut the converters off the exhaust pipes of the vehicles. Jacks were used to raise the vehicles so the suspects could get under the vehicles to cut the pipes.
Prator said other reports of catalytic converter thefts have been received by the Shreveport Police Department. He said it's believed the items are being sold for scrap.
If you have information on this crime or the suspect(s) who may be responsible, contact the Caddo Sheriff's Office at 675-2170 or Crime Stoppers at 673-7373. Go Back
Thieves target catalytic converters
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
On Tuedsay, the Sheriff's Office received reports from two businesses on Mansfield Road in Keithville where catalytic converters were stolen off vehicles on their property. At one business, 24 were taken, and at the other business 12 were taken.
These thefts are believed to have taken place over the past weekend. A special tool was used to cut the converters off the exhaust pipes of the vehicles. Jacks were used to raise the vehicles so the suspects could get under the vehicles to cut the pipes.
Prator said other reports of catalytic converter thefts have been received by the Shreveport Police Department. He said it's believed the items are being sold for scrap.
If you have information on this crime or the suspect(s) who may be responsible, contact the Caddo Sheriff's Office at 675-2170 or Crime Stoppers at 673-7373.