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Caddo Sheriff recognizes employees

Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator promoted four deputies during a ceremony this morning at the Northwest Regional Re-entry Facility.

Promoted were Mike Christian to Patrol sergeant; Ardise Hicks to director of Food Services; Pam Dixon to manager of the Northwest Re-entry Facility; and Jeremy Thompson to manager of Technical Resources.

Prator also recognized William Anderson as a senior deputy with five years of service, and Sonia Nunnery, Joseph Kay, James Moore, Henry Whitehorn, and Christopher Woods as corporals with 10 years of service.

Others recognized were Mike Christian and Monica Thomas for five years of service; Patsy Alban, Pamiko Pineset, and Felicia Harris, 10 years of service; Terry Henry and Stephanie Johnson, 15 years of service; Lisa McCoy and Kathy Perkins, 20 years of service; Beverly Lafitte and Stacy Cowgill, 25 years of service; and Kurt Filler, 30 years of service.
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