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Fatal Accident

Caddo sheriff's deputies responded to a fatal accident on January 7, 2012 in south Caddo Parish.

Patrol deputies were dispatched at 1:30 a.m. to Keatchie-Marshall Road at Hwy. 169. Witnesses said the driver of an 18-wheeler Peterbilt traveling on Keatchie-Marshall ran a stop sign and hit the driver's side door of a 2000 Toyota traveling southbound on Hwy. 169. The car caught fire with the driver still inside. The 18-wheeler, which was carry a partial load of salt water, turned over on its side, but the driver suffered no injuries and there was no salt water leak.

The driver of the Toyota died as a result of the crash. His name has not been released pending positive identification by the Coroner's Office; however, deputies said they believe he was a man in his 50s who lived in the area.

Deputies arrested the driver of the 18 wheeler for negligent homicide. He was identified as Adrian White, 26, of Shreveport. White was booked into the Caddo Correctional Center.

The crash remains under investigation by the Caddo Sheriff's Traffic Safety Unit.
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