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*Update* Temporary workers arrested for stealing from employer

***Update*** ***A fourth suspect was arrested today by Det. Bobby Herring. The suspect is Frisco Wade, 22, of the 1900 block of Highland Ave. Wade was arrested for forgery. He received one $500 paycheck as the result of a fraudulent timesheet with a supervisor's forged signature.***

Three people used jobs received through a local temporary employment agency to create fraudulent timesheets and receive extra paychecks, said Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator.

Detectives with the Caddo-Shreveport Financial Crimes Task Force arrested the following people for forgery and booked them into the Caddo Correctional Center:

o Quanna Collins, 22, of the 3300 block of Valewood; o Ebony Robinson, 19, of the 3100 block of Devaughn; and o Mario Griffin, 18, of the 4000 block of Mayfield.

All of the suspects were assigned to work at a chicken processing plant and created timesheets to receive three paychecks each to which they were not entitled. The total amount of the checks forged by the three suspects was $3,416.

Additional arrests are anticipated.

The cases were investigated by Caddo Sheriff's Detectives Bobby Herring and James Lewis and Shreveport Police Detective Kim Anderson.
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