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Sheriff Prator provides holiday safety tips

Only 12 more shopping days until Christmas! As people hurry with last minute preparations, Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator said staying focused on personal safety is key to having a safe and happy holiday season.

“Sadly the safety measures we generally practice can be forgotten as the enthusiasm of the season causes us to let our guard down,” Prator said.

To make sure you don’t becomea victim this Christmas, the Caddo Sheriff’s Office Community Programs Division reminds you to follow these simple tips: 

·Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.Criminals often target people who are distracted.
·Whether driving, walking or taking public transportation, plan the trip in advance.Know how to get to your destination by the most direct and safest route.
·Travel on populated, well-lit streets.If possible, travel with a friend. ·When driving, keep your doors locked and windows closed.Make sure the gas tank is full.  Mainintain your car in good working order to avoid breakdowns. ·Avoid leaving valuables in your car. When even possible, place items out of sight in the trunk of your vehicle.Never leave packages in the passenger compartment of your car.
·Carry only the amount of cash or number of credit cards necessary to make purchases.
·When in a restaurant, don’t leave your handbag over the back of your chair or on the floor.If you are carrying a wallet, carry it in the breast pocket of your jacket or in your side pants pocket.The rear pants pocket is the easiest to pick. 
·Don’t wait until you have reached your front door to look for your keys.Have them ready in your hand. 
·Lock your front door immediately upon entering your home.
·If you have elderly family members or neighbors, please remember to check in on them.
·Remind children to be wary of strangers, including those on the internet.
·Watch out for con artists. They use a number of ploys to trick you and steal your property. Be wary of telephone and email solicitations asking for personal information about your accounts, passwords or social security number.
·Avoid illegal vendors selling goods on the street.Remember, “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”      
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