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CSO deputies to receive promotions, awards

Two Caddo Sheriff's deputies will be promoted by Sheriff Steve Prator during a ceremony at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, February 15, at the Caddo Correctional Center. 

Theressa Jefferson, a nine-year deputy, will be promoted to the rank of sergeant in the Corrections Division, and Joyce Terry, a two-year deputy, will be promoted to the rank of TCO Supervisor II in the Communications Division.

Recognition will be given to Kenneth Davis, Ronnie Jones, William Kline, James McDaniel, Ondray Miles, Michael Page, Timothy Young, Philip Craft, Jeanetta Miller, Leon Wright, and Maxine Williams for 10 years of service; Richard Corbett, Kevin McCullin, Rose Reliford, Robert Whitaker, Scheree Page, and Zelda Perkins for 15 years of service; and David Bartlett, Carol Day, Darwin Jones, William Mikesell, Sandra Black, Patrick Brooks, and Pat Sepulvado for 20 years of service.

Prator will also present the Sheriff's Office Medal of Merit to Cpl. Willie Calvin Williams for capturing a bank robbery suspect in December. Williams was off-duty when he stopped to use a bank ATM on Greenwood Road. While standing at the outdoor machine, Williams saw a suspicious man fleeing from the bank in a plume of red smoke. Williams chased the suspect on foot and captured him in a nearby parking lot. The suspect was arrested for the robbery of the Capital One Bank and was also linked to several hotel and motel robberies.

Three deputies will receive the Sheriff's Office Lifesaving Award for giving aid to an inmate who attempted suicide at Caddo Correctional Center. In October, the inmate tied a bed sheet around his neck and to the handrail on the upper tier of the detention facility before jumping over the rail. Deputies Roosevelt Tadlock, Roy Keith Davis, and John C. May worked together to relieve pressure on the inmate's neck, pull him back over the railing, and conduct CPR to save the man's life.
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