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Caddo Sheriff's Office now accepts ticket payments online

Payments to the Caddo Sheriff's Office for traffic citations, court costs, and fines can now be paid on the internet or by calling an 800 phone number, said Sheriff Steve Prator.

An agreement between the Sheriff's Office and nCourt, a provider of electronic filing and citation payment services, is making the service available, Prator said.

nCourt charges a 5% processing fee to use the service, however, the Sheriff's Office does not receive any of the fee.

"This will eliminate the need for citizens to leave their home to purchase a money order or cashier's check, or drive to the courthouse to make their payment in person," Prator said.

Web service is available around the clock and accepts credit or debit cards, making it more convenient for all citizens.  The call center provides toll free telephone access for online payment and support for those who do not have access to the internet. That number to call is 1-800-701-8560.

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