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Sheriff welcomes new auxiliary deputies

Graduation exercises for the Caddo Sheriff’s Office's 22nd auxiliary class are scheduled for 6 p.m. tonight at Sheriff's Safety Town.

Fourteen auxiliary deputies are joining the ranks of the Sheriff’s Office after completing 40 hours of law enforcement training. They will take their oath from Sheriff Steve Prator.

The new deputies are Mike Anderson, Chris Antosick, Rose Davis, Cynthia Fortson, James Fortson, Billy Hamm, Barbara Haynes, Richard Haynes, David Johnson, Tyrone Puryear, Don Razinsky, Vernon Rich Sr., Art Ruggles, and Rosie Thompson.

Auxiliary deputies are volunteers who are called upon to assist sworn deputies with duties such as neighborhood patrols, traffic control, crowd control at special events, or by providing emergency services when natural disasters occur. They have no arrest power and do not carry a weapon.

For more information on the auxiliary program or to apply for the next class, contact Cpl. Carl Wilkinson at 681-1100.
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