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Caddo Sheriff announces formation of Special Investigations Unit

Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator announced on Tuesday, November 18, 2009,  the formation of a special unit to investigate allegations of government corruption.

The Caddo Sheriff's Office Special Investigations Section includes two investigators housed within the Sheriff's administrative offices at Government Plaza. The investigators - Lt. Jay Long and Sgt. John May - are assigned full-time to investigate citizens' complaints about criminal violations involving public or governmental agencies.
"I'm sure we won't always receive a warm welcome from those we investigate, but this needs to be done," Prator said. "If there's something that's wrong, it's our job to find that out as the chief law enforcement agency in the parish."

The Sheriff's Office and Caddo District Attorney Charles Scott will be working together to investigate and prosecute the cases developed by the Special Investigations Section.

"We are working closely with the Sheriff’s Office as well as state and federal authorities to aggressively pursue public corruption," Scott said. "There is no tolerance for misuse, fraud, or theft of public funds in Caddo Parish.  In that regard, the District Attorney’s Office stands ready to prosecute any person who intentionally violates the public trust or assists others in violating the public trust.”

The Caddo Sheriff's and District Attorney's offices, along with the Louisiana State Police, recently conducted a criminal investigation that led to the arrests of four independent contractors and three city inspectors for improprieties involving their participation in a federal home repair program. Prator said that investigation turned up numerous other complaints and allegations that warranted review, thus the Special Investigations Section was formed.
A tip hotline has also been established for citizens to contact the Special Investigations Section to report suspected governmental wrongdoing. That number is 213-TELL or 213-8355.
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