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Sheriff Henry Whitehorn, Sr., was appointed to the Southern University System Board of Supervisors.

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We are thrilled to announce that Sheriff Whitehorn has been appointed by Governor Jeff Landry to the Southern University System Board of Supervisors. Sheriff Whitehorn is one of six individuals appointed by Governor Landry to the Board.

Here are some facts about the Southern University System Board of Supervisors:

- The Board of Supervisors for the Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical College was created by the Louisiana State Constitution of 1974.
- The Board is vested with the responsibility via the Constitution and Louisiana State Revised Statutes for the management and supervision of the institutions of higher education, statewide agricultural programs, and other programs that comprise the Southern University System.
- The powers of the Board are subject only to those which are granted by the State Constitution to the Louisiana State Board of Regents.
- The first official meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held in May 1975 on the Southern University campus in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

To view the governor's press release about Whitehorn's appointments to the Southern University System's Board of Supervisors, please visit the Office of Governor Jeff Landry's website and click the newsroom tab to access the release.

Congratulations, Sheriff Whitehorn! 

For questions regarding this press release, please contact Breck Scott

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