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Caddo Sheriff announces hunting rifle sight-in days

Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator announced that he is making the firing range at the Sheriff’s Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy available to the public for sighting in rifles and muzzleloaders for the upcoming deer season. 

Three specific days have been designated for the public to make use of the law enforcement training facility: 

1.Saturday, October 3 (muzzleloaders only), 8 a.m. until noon
2.Saturday, October 10 (deer rifles only), 8 a.m. until noon
3.Saturday, October 17 (deer rifles only), 8 a.m. until noon

Targets will be furnished and shooters will be assisted by state-certified firearms instructors.Shooters must provide their own ammunition.They are also asked to arrive with unloaded weapons and must bring eye and ear protection. 

The Academy is located at 15639 Hwy One South, directly in front of Lock and Dam #5.For additional information, call Sgt. Jim Carroll or Deputy Jim Dunn at 681-0735.  
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