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Rainfall has local waterways on the rise

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The Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office received updated weather information from the National Weather Service. Northwest Louisiana can expect two to four inches of rainfall throughout the week and local waterways are expected to crest above flood stage.  

Wallace Lake is currently at 150.3 feet and rising. With more rainfall, the lake is forecasted to crest at 152 feet by the afternoon of Tuesday, January 31. Depending on how additional rains develop and fall, the lake has the potential to crest at 156 feet by the end of the week. The flood stage is 158 feet.

Cross Lake is currently at 173.5 feet and rising. It is forecasted to crest at 174 feet by the afternoon of Tuesday, January 31. Depending on additional rain, it may crest at 177 feet by the end of the week. The flood stage is 173 feet.

There are no concerns of Caddo Lake or the Red River cresting at flood levels.

Caddo Parish residents can pick up sandbags from the Parish Public Works facility at 1701 Monty Street and the Streets and Drainage facility at 1935 Claiborne Avenue from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays. The sandbags will be made as long as necessary, and each pick up is limited to 20 bags.

Offenders housed at the Caddo Correctional Center are assisting Parish Public Works employees with filling and loading sandbags at the Monty Street location. Shreveport City employees with Streets and Drainage are filling sandbags to be distributed to those in need at the facility on Claiborne Avenue.   

With concerns of the rising waters, citizens are urged to take precautions to prevent or minimize property damage and injury in the event of a flood. Some ideas to consider are as follows:

 -Relocate watercraft from under any structure, like boat houses.       
 -Elevate and anchor utilities such as electrical panels, sockets, propane tanks, wiring, and heating systems the best way possible.
 -Move to higher ground.
 -Do not drive, ride, or walk through floodwater. Currents can be swift and should not be underestimated.

The Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office of Homeland Security is monitoring the situation and further information will be provided as it becomes available.

Citizens are reminded to sign up for the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office emergency alert program, Everbridge, to quickly receive critical information in a variety of situations, such as severe weather. To sign up, go to caddosheriff.org and click on the “Alert Signup” tab at the top right portion of the page.

The first picture was taken at an area of Cross Lake, and the second was at Wallace Lake.

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