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Caddo Magnet senior receives Caddo Sheriff's scholarship

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Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator awarded an academic scholarship to William Samuel Davis on Wednesday during a presentation at Government Plaza.

Davis is a graduating senior at Caddo Magnet High School where he earned a 3.5 grade point average. He will use the $500 scholarship to attend Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge where he plans to concentrate on nutrition and courses required for the physician assistant program. Davis is the son of Elisha and Roslyn Davis of Shreveport.

Davis was chosen to receive Caddo’s scholarship based on academic achievement, leadership, and character. At Caddo Magnet, he participated in the National Junior Honor Society, Interact Club, Ocshner LSU Hospital "Day with the Docs," LSU Hospital AHEC of A Summer Program, Medical Application of Science for Health Program, Ernest J. Gaines Literary Symposium, Guitar Club, BSA Club, Regional Autonomous Robotics Circuit Competition and the Ambassadors of Caddo Magnet. He was a volunteer at the Overton Brooks Hospital in 2019 and is currently a registered hospice volunteer. He founded the Sam’s Super Boxes of Hope. Davis also won awards and accolades in the Caddo Magnet High Music Festival, Voice of Democracy Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Greater Shreveport Music Teachers Association Festival.

Sheriffs' scholarships are made possible by the Louisiana Sheriffs’ Honorary Membership Program (LSHMP). Louisiana sheriffs provide scholarships to graduating high school students from each parish where the sheriff is an affiliate of the program.


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