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CPSO announces return to Sheriff's Safety Town


Sheriff’s Safety Town is re-opening and summer events are being scheduled following a year-long pandemic shutdown, said Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator.

“We are excited to open the doors and welcome our kids back to Sheriff’s Safety Town,” Prator said. “We’ve missed them as much as they have missed coming here, so we are very anxious to start booking your summer programs.”

Local law enforcement officers and firefighters teach safety education at Safety Town to second-grade students from eight parishes during the school year and offer specialized safety programs to groups of all ages during the summer upon request. The program temporarily shut its doors and reassigned staff as a precautionary measure in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Citizens can once again receive free child safety seat fitting services by appointment or schedule summer safety programs tailor-made for their group and children’s ages. Area public and private schools are expected to return to Safety Town in the fall of 2021.

Instructors include the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office; Louisiana State Police, Troop G; Shreveport police and fire departments; and Shreveport City Marshal’s Office.

For more information or to schedule your visit to Safety Town, call 698-7233 or 681-0835.

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