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Caddo Sheriff's Office to increase DWI patrols this holiday season

Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator announced today that deputies will participate in a national traffic safety campaign aimed at removing drunk and drugged drivers from our roadways this holiday.

The Caddo Sheriff’s Office will conduct extra patrols between December 18 and January 2 as part of the high-visibility Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over event. During this period, local law enforcement will show zero tolerance for drunk and drugged driving.

Sheriff Prator said increased local, state, and national messages about the dangers of driving impaired, coupled with enforcement and increased deputies on the road, aim to drastically reduce drunk driving on our roadways.

During the month of December 2018, 839 people nationwide lost their lives in traffic crashes involving a drunk driver. During the Christmas and New Year’s Day holiday periods in 2018, there were more drunk-driving-related fatalities (285) across the country than any other holiday period that year. These fatalities are preventable, and drivers must remember that driving impaired by any substance — alcohol or other drugs — is deadly, illegal, and selfish behavior.

“Drunk driving is unacceptable, and it takes lives, including those of innocent people,” the Sheriff said. “The holidays should be enjoyable for friends and family, so if you plan to drink, make arrangements for a ride home. It’s that simple.”

Funding for the additional patrols is provided by the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission.

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