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Caddo Sheriff warns of Bitcoin blackmail scam


The Federal Trade Commission says reports of Bitcoin blackmail scams have taken a big jump in the last few weeks, including in Caddo Parish, according to Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator.

Emails sent to Caddo Parish residents say the sender has hacked into their computer and recorded them visiting adult websites. They threaten to distribute the video to friends and family within hours, unless you pay into their Bitcoin account.

The FTC and Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office say anyone receiving such an email should delete the message right away because it’s only a scam. Scammers may say they have access to your computer or webcam, but none of that is true. If they have an old password of yours, authorities say it’s time to change it and other passwords as well, but definitely don’t fall prey to the scam by giving them personal information or anything of financial gain.

“Never click on ANY link or button that they ask,” Prator said. “Scammers prey on your fear and curiosity. Don’t fall for it.”



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