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Caddo Sheriff plans Reserve Academy

The Caddo Sheriff’s Office will host a Reserve Peace Officer’s Academy June 2 through August 11 for persons who would like to serve as reserve deputy or police officer.

Graduates of the Academy can be given arrest powers upon completion of the course and be issued a departmental weapon. Reserves have the same authority as full-time officers but are not certified by the state. In most cases, they serve as unpaid volunteers.

Classes will be held on Tuesday and Thursday nights and also Saturdays at the Caddo Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy, 15639 Highway One South, and at the Caddo Correctional Center, 1101 Forum Drive in Shreveport.

Participants will receive training in criminal law and procedures, search and seizure, firearms qualification, use of force, chemical weapons, self defense, report writing, directing traffic, emergency vehicle operations, and more.

For additional information, contact the Academy staff at 681-0735.
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