Sheriff issues statement on Wallace Lake
The Caddo Sheriff’s Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness is keeping a close eye on Wallace Lake as rain continues to fall in our area, said Sheriff Steve Prator.
Earlier today, the National Weather Service said the gage on Wallace Lake currently reads 148.45 feet and is being forecasted to reach 153 by Wednesday morning. At this level, minor flooding of grazing and agricultural lands around the lake would be expected.
Red River in Shreveport is currently being forecasted to crest at 26.5 feet on Thursday morning.
The following link is provided to help monitor the weather situation:
Local flood gage website:
Sheriff Prator is also reminding drivers to pay attention to warning signs posted where flooding has occurred. “It’s very important that motorists and pedestrians pay attention to warning signs and barricades near flooded areas,” he said. “Each year, more deaths occur due to flooding than from any other thunderstorm-related hazard. For your own safety, don’t disregard the barricades.”
According to the National Weather Service a mere six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock over an adult. It takes just 12 inches of rushing water to carry away a small car, while two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles. It is NEVER safe to drive, walk, or swim in flood waters.