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Sheriff, Judge, ADA to present program to youth

Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator, Judge Scott Crichton and Assistant District Attorney Ron Stamps are teaming up again to provide a “double-feature” program for teens illustrating the serious legal consequences of criminal behavior.

 The program, designed for those ages 13 and up as well as their parents, will be held Wednesday, February 25, from 6 – 8:30 p.m. at Caddo Correctional Center, 1101 Forum Drive in Shreveport.

The first part of the "Don't Let This Be You" program covers legal concepts and consequences of criminal behavior, which officials say all teenagers should know. There will be specific focus on the law regarding drug possession and spin-off crimes related to drug addiction, the law regarding teenage sex and its legal consequences, which includes paternity and child support, and more. There will be numerous examples of local cases, now adjudicated and final, which evidence the very real and serious consequences of criminal behavior. The second part of the program includes a tour of Caddo Correctional Center.

 The program was recently honored by The Shreveport Breakfast Optimist Club for its innovative approach in educating teenagers about criminal consequences.

To obtain further information, see dontletthisbeyou.org and to register, call Andrea Samuel at the Caddo Sheriff’s Office Regional Training Academy at (318) 681-0735.Class size is limited and pre-registration is required.
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