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Caddo Sheriff proposes arming some school faculty

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In an e-mail to Caddo Parish School Board members today, Sheriff Steve Prator asked that they consider allowing armed faculty in parish schools.

"Our schools currently brag of being "firearm free" zones, literally an invitation for armed evil doers," the Sheriff said. "Most of our school's have one armed "guard," but there are times when that person is distracted or unavailable. I am recommending that certain faculty members be allowed to possess weapons on campuses. These persons would have exhaustive background and psychological vetting. Once accepted, they would undergo extensive training and further determinations of suitability."

Prator said his proposal is not for everyone, "but we have people in schools that have military and law enforcement backgrounds, those who have more confidence in their ability to handle a weapon under stressful conditions. These are the people we should look at," he said.

The Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office and its Regional Training Academy could assist with training and screening individuals. 

"Everybody talks after each shooting, and nothing ever gets done," Prator said. "We can't wait on Washington or Congress to solve a local problem when we have the resources to take action ourselves."


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