Caddo Sheriff to have added patrols during holiday season
The Caddo Sheriff’s Office is warning motorists that drunk driving won’t be tolerated through the holiday season. “If you’re over the limit and you drive, you’re under arrest,” said Sheriff Steve Prator.
A grant provided by the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission will provide 163 hours of funding for deputies to conduct extra patrols in Caddo Parish. The added patrols will take place from December 16 through January 1.
In 2015, Louisiana saw 726 people lose their lives in automobile crashes. Of those, 298 were legally impaired drivers. An increase in alcohol-related crashes always occurs during holiday seasons, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
Sheriff Prator is urging citizens to be safe. “Don’t put yourself or others at risk. Plan ahead. Designate a sober driver in advance. Call a friend or call a cab,” he said.