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Suspect arrested for trespassing on monument

DOB: 10/18/1988
Race: B   Sex: M
Height: 5.08   Weight: 170


Tromell D. Cornelious, 27, of Shreveport, was arrested this morning for trespassing that resulted in damage to the monument at the Caddo Courthouse, said Sheriff Steve Prator.


Cornelious was arrested at the Greyhound bus station as he was preparing to leave town.  He was named as a possible suspect in the case after video and photos of him climbing on the monument were made public yesterday. Shreveport Police located him at the bus station this morning around 6:15 a.m. 


After interviewing Cornelious, deputies determined that he was the person in the video, and he was booked into the Caddo Correctional Center for trespassing.  Bond was set at $500. 

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