CPSO's Citizen Survivor Course addresses violence in public places
Acts of violence in public places like movie theaters, churches, and schools have generated a lot of talk about safety measures. In the meantime, proactive citizens are wondering what they can do to keep themselves safe.
Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator is offering a Citizen Survivor Course developed by the Caddo Sheriff’s Regional Training Academy. The first session will be offered at 5:30 p.m. next Thursday, August 20, at Sheriff’s Safety Town, 8924 Jewella Avenue.
Prator said making such information available to citizens is necessary in today’s times. “After the recent shooting in Lafayette, I think many people were surprised that such a thing could happen so close to home. I want our citizens to think wisely and proactively,” he said.
The course answers such questions as:
• What should you do if gunfire erupts in a public area, your office space, a shopping center, or sporting event?
• What should you look for before entering a public building?
• Where should you sit in a public area like a theater or church?
• What should you do when an act of violence occurs in your workplace or business?
• What are your rights when carrying a gun?
• How do you defend your right to use a gun or act in self-defense?
Caddo Sheriff’s Captain Kenny Sanders, director of the Regional Training Academy, developed the course and will be the instructor. He described it as “relevant for what we’re seeing today in the news.”
Registration for the course is required. Contact the Sheriff’s Office Community Programs Office at 681-0875.