Caddo deputies rescue stranded horse
A horse that had retreated to higher ground off East 70th Street ended up being trapped by rising water and had to be rescued this afternoon by Caddo Sheriff's deputies.
Brownie's owners tried to catch her and move her to safety but she was too scared to swim in the chest-deep water, said Marine Lt. Donna Jackson.
Sheriff's Deputy Doyle Smith and Cpl. Madison Cox, along with one of the property owner's employees, ventured out to the animal in a boat. Smith and Cox got out of the boat in chest-deep water and waded out to the stranded horse. Smith slipped a rope around her neck, and they started to walk her back. When the water got too deep to walk, Smith got back into the boat and Cox pushed from the side, coaxing the horse to go forward.
"But when the water was so deep that she had to swim, she got scared," Jackson said. "It was like a rodeo out there. When she got to where she couldn't touch, she started bucking. She was pulling the boat, and swinging them around, but they held on. I really don't think she would have made it past the night."
After the rescue, the horse was relocated to a dry pasture near the front of the owner's property.