Caddo officials continue planning for Red River flood
Caddo officials are contining to prepare for the Red River’s highest crest in Shreveport since 1990, said Sheriff Steve Prator, director of Caddo Parish Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.
Today representatives from city, parish, and state agencies met at the Caddo Emergency Operations Center to review plans and share information. Weather experts said the river is still expected to crest on Saturday at 34 feet and will remain high for most of the summer.
Over the weekend, both the City of Shreveport and Caddo Parish received 10,000 extra sandbags from the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security. Citizens can pick up sandbags at the following locations:
Caddo Public Works Fleet Services
1701 Monty Street, Shreveport,
Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: 226-6936, extension 7
Caddo Public Works (South)
11928 Greenwood-Springridge Road
Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: 925-9558
Caddo Public Works (North)
108 Finley Drive, Vivian,
Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Phone: 375-2464
*** Limit 20 bags at parish locations
City of Shreveport Streets and Drainage
3825 Mansfield Road
Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Phone: 673-6330
*** Limit 20 bags per household and 50 per business as long as supplies last
The Caddo Parish Levee Board is continuing to monitor the levees on a daily basis and is reporting no problems. Officials say they are not anticipating major flooding in any neighborhoods but are checking areas that could be at risk several times a day.
In the neighborhood of Les Maisons on East Kings Highway, power was turned off at four houses for public safety reasons due to water in the transformers.
Caddo Parish officials say no emergency shelters are needed at this point, however, a location has been identified should the need arise.