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Keithville couple steals neighbors' mail to commit ID theft

DOB: 07/27/1981
Race: W   Sex: M
Height: 5.10   Weight: 160
DOB: 01/13/1978
Race: W   Sex: F
Height: 5.07   Weight: 150


A Keithville couple was arrested this week on multiple counts of identity theft, said Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator.

Christina Renfroe, 37, and Anthony Stout, 33, are accused of stealing mail from their neighbors and using it to obtain stolen credit cards, make unauthorized purchases, wire money out of victims' accounts, and open new credit cards. They also used the personal information of several of Renfroe’s home health care patients to do the same thing.

The couple stole nearly $27,000 from the six victims, including a 95-year-old woman whom Renfroe cared for as a nurse.

Both were arrested at CCC where they were already in jail for similar, related offenses. Sheriff‘s Detectives Doug Smith and Bobby Herring charged Renfroe and Stout with five counts each of identity theft. In addition, Stout was charged with forgery.

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