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Robinson extradited to Caddo for 2004 murder

DOB: 01/04/1954
Race: B   Sex: M
Height: 5.09   Weight: 280


A former Shreveporter was booked into the Caddo Correctional Center on Thursday to face charges that he murdered a man here in 2004, said Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator.

Jake Robinson, 60, was indicted in May for the murder of Harold Bruce Cotton. Robinson was located and arrested in Claremore, OK, where he had been living for several years, but he refused to willingly return to Caddo Parish. Robinson was transported here by deputies with the Caddo Sheriff’s Warrants Division after the extradition process was exhausted. He was booked into CCC for second-degree murder on Thursday. Bond is set at $500,000.

Cotton’s body was found on February 29, 2004, in his Olds 98 that was pulled to the shoulder of White Springs Road in south Caddo Parish. He had been missing for three days.

Caddo Sheriff's Detective Terry Richardson followed leads in the case for the past 10 years. In 2013, publicity on the 9-year anniversary of the homicide generated new witnesses and provided enough evidence to take the case before a Caddo Parish Grand Jury. 

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