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Caddo Sheriff to be sworn in Monday

Steve Prator will be sworn in for a third term as Caddo Parish Sheriff during a ceremony scheduled for noon Monday, June 30, in Courtroom G of the Caddo Parish Courthouse. The public is invited to attend.

The Sheriff will receive his oath from Caddo District Judge Scott Crichton. Immediately afterward, Prator will administer the oath to employees of the Caddo Sheriff's Office.

Prator has served 35 years in law enforcement, including nine years as Shreveport police chief. He is best known for increasing services to Caddo Parish citizens while reducing operating costs at the Sheriff’s Office.

Under his administration, the Sheriff's Office established a POST-certified regional training academy, merged some investigative services with the Shreveport Police Department, increased the number of inmates that can be held at Caddo Correctional Center, implemented physical fitness standards for deputies, introduced on-line tax services, upgraded equipment, developed a youth firearms education summer camp, and formed several new specialized units, including a Traffic Safety Unit and Marine Patrol. Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the Sheriff was key in encouraging legislation that assists federal, state and local law officials with tracking criminals and sex offenders after major disasters.

Projects that are currently underway include a work release facility and the Louisiana's first full-time safety education center for children - Sheriff's Safety Town.

Prator is a graduate of LSU in Shreveport and the FBI's National Executive Institute in Quantico, Virginia. He is president of the Board of Directors of the Northwest Law Enforcement Planning Agency and was appointed by both Governors Blanco and Jindal to the Louisiana Peace Officer Standards and Training Council and the Commission on Law Enforcement. Both state appointments impact Louisiana’s criminal justice system and the training of its law enforcement officers.

Prator also serves on the Louisiana Livestock Brand Commission Board and serves locally on the LSU-S Alumni and Foundation boards, Boy Scouts Executive Board, and Caddo Council on Aging Board of Directors, of which he is president.
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