Sheriff Prator to host Senior Citizens' Academy
The Caddo Sheriff’s Office will hold a Senior Citizens’ Academy January 8-9 to familiarize senior citizens with the operations of the Sheriff’s Office and provide information on crime trends that most affect them, said Sheriff Steve Prator.
The program, designed for citizens 55 and up, will be held from 8:30 a.m. until noon each day at the Caddo Sheriff’s Re-Entry Facility at 1121 Forum Drive in Shreveport.
Deputies will address areas including identity theft, scams and fraud, victim reparations, current drug trends, how to file and obtain an incident or accident report, and what to do if you are involved in an incident. Legal Services of North Louisiana will also give a presentation on estate and will planning and creating a Power of Attorney.
The academy is free and lunch will be provided. Contact Deputy Claire Crawford at 681-0869 or Deputy Edith Pinkston at 681-0875 by January 7 to register.