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Caddo SO warns ATV owners to "lock them up"


Caddo Sheriff’s deputies say reports of stolen ATVs are a common occurrence this time of year. Owners can lessen their chances of becoming a target by practicing a few preventative measures.

“It happens every year around hunting season, and this year is no exception,” Prator said. “Our detectives are actively working cases of ATVs that were stolen after being left in plain view.”

Prator said removing the keys isn’t enough to stop thieves. Owners are encouraged to keep the vehicles out of sight, disconnect the batteries, and most importantly, chain them up. Owners should also mark their vehicles with their driver’s license number in addition to the vehicle identification number.

The most recent cases under investigation by the Caddo Sheriff’s Office occurred in southwest Caddo Parish near the Desoto parish line and Texas state line.

Lt. Bill Rehak said many of the stolen vehicles are taken across state lines and sold. Others are sold locally at a cheap price or taken to hunting camps on private property. 

 “There’s no substitute for having them locked with a chain even if they are under a carport or in a shed,” Rehak said. 

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