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Caddo Sheriff's Office to hold Mounted Patrol graduation

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Horsing around is usually discouraged among deputies participating in law enforcement training, but recently the Caddo Sheriff’s Office made an exception.

Twelve CPSO deputies and their horses recently took part in a 40-hour training course to certify them for service with the department’s Mounted Patrol. The class will graduate at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, June 15, at Tommy Baker’s arena on LA 530 east of Oil City, according to Sheriff Steve Prator.

The Mounted Patrol is used at community events like festivals, the LA State Fair, and Mardi Gras and also for searches and fugitive apprehension. Training includes instruction in crowd control, defensive tactics, formation riding, desensitization, obstacle course performance, and general horsemanship.

After Saturday, the CPSO Mounted Patrol will include 30 full-time, reserve, and auxiliary deputies. All members volunteer their service and provide their own horses, vehicles, trailers, and tack.

Both the horse and rider must be certified to be a member of the Mounted Patrol.

Graduates are Lt. John Fourcade and Bandit, Cpl. Beaux Nunnery and Baylee, Deputy Joseph Fourcade and Duke, Deputy Brandi Jo Nunnery and Vieja, Deputy Maggie Boykin and Black Jack, Deputy Chris Childress and Comet, Reserve Deputy Elam Fontenot and Fancy, Reserve Deputy Debra Burcham and Cowboy, Auxiliary Deputy Shirley Asbrock and Rudy, Auxiliary Deputy Mark Wendell and Poncho, Auxiliary Deputy Chloe Wendell and Angel, and Auxiliary Deputy Bobbie Jo Wendell and Angel. (Note: There are two Angels.)

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