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11 cited for seatbelt violations in weekend checkpoint

Caddo sheriff’s deputies cited 11 violators for disregarding seatbelts laws during a weekend checkpoint conducted as part of the nationwide “Click it or Ticket” enforcement campaign, said Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator.

The checkpoint, funded by the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, occurred Sunday evening, June 2, on Shreveport-Blanchard Highway north of Roy Road. Deputies checked 103 northbound vehicles. Most of the violations were for unrestrained or improperly restrained passengers, said Sgt. Bill Gaines.

Louisiana law requires that all persons occupying passenger vehicles be properly restrained. Drivers can be cited for all occupants under the age of 13 who are not properly restrained. Occupants 13 years of age and over can be cited individually.

Proper seatbelt and child restraint use is the best way to reduce the chances of injury and death in motor vehicle crashes, Gaines said. Motor vehicle deaths still outnumber homicides over two-to-one nationwide and many more times for rural Caddo Parish.

Sheriff Prator reminds everyone to buckle up on every trip, don't drink and drive, and report unsafe drivers to your local law enforcement agency.

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