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Man jailed for stealing from business partners

DOB: 03/31/1981
Race: W   Sex: M
Height: 6.00   Weight: 196

A Shreveport man was arrested for stealing thousands of dollars from his new business partners, said Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator.

In December 2012 a New Orleans man invested $20,000 in Transporters Driver Outsource LLC, a company formed by Jeremy Reed Byles of Shreveport. As soon as the money was deposited, Byles began making withdrawals from the company account.

Caddo Sheriff’s Detective Doug Smith, who investigated the case, said Byles is accused of taking out three large cash advances from local casinos, making over twenty ATM withdrawals, writing three large checks to himself, and making electronic transfers to his personal account. The total amount embezzled from the company account was $15,853.

Byles’ business partners discovered the theft when they examined the company account after learning he had been arrested in January 2013 for thefts from his former employer.

Byles, 32, of the 4100 block of Linda Lane, was booked into Caddo Correctional Center on one count theft. His bond was set at $15,000.

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